Mini Photography Reflector Flash Diffuser / Bouncer
This is a two-way Diffuser / Bouncer for on-camera flashes size 17.0 cm x 14.6 cm x 0.1 cm
Now some photos:
Order, as always come in standard yellow bubbly package.
Reflector / diffuser was packed in a bag
1 x Reflector / Diffuser for flash.
Material - plastic.
Dimensions 17.0 cm x 14.6 cm x 0.08 cm
Light - the lens has two working surfaces (black and white):
White - is used as a standard reflector, and eliminates harsh shadows from the image and get a soft, indirect lighting
Black - effectively treats unwanted glare with the flash away from the camera or pan / tilt head emitter.
To change the surface, unscrew the two plastic nuts
Easy to change the angle and securely.
Flash is attached to the radiator with clasps "Velcro".
Mini Photography Reflector Flash Diffuser / Bouncer (left) and my hand made - like "Lopushok" (right)
Of course you can do it yourself from any available material: from the white paper or poster board, cover noodles "Doshirak." or as I used foil insulation, wrapped a red rubber band for money :)
But still Mini Photography Reflector Flash Diffuser / Bouncer has more aesthetic look to him not be ashamed to appear in public. You can not say about my hand made.
Quick and easy installation. Easy to change the angle.
Universal - by pulling on the elastic strap, fit to different models of flash.
Use it in the room and performs its function perfectly.

Mini Photography Reflector Flash Diffuser / Bouncer
DX Price: $ 11.00 Free Shipping!

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